Alumni Ethos
We are social creatures, wired to connect. At the root of who we are is the need to be loved and to belong. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, not only do we need food, water, and safety, we also need to connect with others and to be integrated into a group. When those needs are met, we have better mental health, are more resilient and have greater life satisfaction.
Pupils may leave us here at Clifton Hall at different times of their school career, but we believe that Clifton Hall never truly leaves our pupils. Every pupil is part of something special that stays with them throughout their lives and this strong bond to the school remains long beyond their school days. The goal of our alumni network is to ensure this deep sense of social connection with each other and with the school is intertwined in everything that we do.
We are always delighted to welcome former pupils back to Clifton Hall to chat and reminisce about their time at school. Offers of career talks, work placements, internships and mentoring of our current pupils are always appreciated. As a global network of individuals with a vested interest in Clifton Hall, our alumni are uniquely placed to support the future development of our pupils, past and present.
And, on a completely different note, we also need former pupils to help us win our staff/student sport matches – are you up for a friendly game of football or hockey? Please contact us if you would like to be involved in any aspect of our Clifton Hall community.
Upcoming Celebrations
As we approach our 100th anniversary in 2030, we are more aware than ever of the importance of supporting alumni, nurturing relationships, and maintaining links with everyone who has helped make Clifton Hall the family it is. Our alumni are the link to our past and key to our future.
We would love to:
- Hear your memories of Clifton Hall and the journey you have had since leaving.
- Help you maintain friendships from your time here.
- Simply stay in touch.
Please do complete the form below or email us at
We would also be delighted to include our former staff members as part of our alumni community. You can also contact us at the above address.