Pupils leave as confident individuals who have a positive attitude to learning, are experienced in taking responsibility and are ready to contribute positively to society.
A broad range of skills and qualifications are important to success in the modern world, so we follow the Scottish Curricular Guidelines, offering Subject provision in English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Drama, Modern Studies and IT as well as nurturing the skills required for Art, Music and Physical Education.
In Senior 5 and Senior 6, extra options are available and these have recently included Administration, Geology, Media Studies and Philosophy. In all of these areas we prepare our pupils for SQA National Assessments at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Levels.
Instrumental tuition forms a large part of the work of the Music department, and individual lessons are available. Pupils are encouraged to sit external exams such as the Associated Board of Trinity College.
Our annual dramatics show is a huge spectacular and is one of the highlights of our calendar. This event provides a realistic experience of professional theatre culminating in public performances to large audiences.
In Art and Design, pupils experiment with a diverse range of media. The department runs two Art and Design clubs, where pupils can work on projects linked to their classwork or more specialist pieces that introduce them to new skills such as quilt making or Stop Motion Animation.
Regular participation in sporting events and competitions is also an integral part of the curriculum. From Junior 4 upwards, pupils are encouraged to participate, competitively, in a variety of disciplines such as rugby, hockey, tennis, badminton and swimming.
The wider curriculum plays an important role in the experience of our pupils. Educational visits are an integral part of the teaching programme and the curriculum is enhanced by the provision of a range of activities both in and out of school.
Every pupil is given the opportunity to take part in a trip abroad. Additionally, there is a supportive system of pastoral care, with pupils likely to retain the same Form teacher throughout their time in Senior School.